
Welcome to my /now page. Here are some things I'm now focused on.

Last updated Mar 26, 2024

💸  Clients

I'm currently working with the following startups:
- Lobster Ink
- CloudNC

🌀  Personal growth

May 2, 2023 I kicked off a 365-day cold shower challenges. I'm 9 months in and so far so good.

🗻  Preparing for

February I launched Motion Gurus, a new service dedicated to creating custom UI animations for startup founders.

With the advent of Lottie and Rive animations we are seeing a renaissance in web and product design. I'm having a ton of fun learning about Rive and trying to get this side-project off the ground.

📘  Reading

After living in the Netherlands for nine years, I decided this year I'm going all-in, like full-obsession-all-in, to achieve complete fluency in Dutch.

One hack to speed this up is reading out loud, just like back in 5th grade.

For that reason, I'm currently reading "Koning van Katoren" by Jan Terlouw.